The easiest way to sell life insurance!

       1985-2025, Our 40th Year!

This website is for licensed insurance agents and their support staff - Not for dissemination to the public.

 Help client save time. Get accurate results.

  • Get adequate sleep the night before. Try to relax an hour prior to exam.
  • Have photo ID (preferably driver license) available.
  • Bring name and address for primary physician. Have dates and reasons seen during the past 5 years.
  • Bring list of prescriptions and dosage.
  • Wear short sleeved top.
  • If hypertensive, schedule appointment when relaxed.
  • Unless advised otherwise by physician, don't eat or drink anything but water for at least 4 hours prior to exam. An 8 hour overnight fast is recommended.
  • Prior to appointment, avoid: smoking at least 1 hour; strenuous activity or exercise for 2 hours; alcoholic beverages and decongestants for 24 hours.

 Examinations routinely include:

  • Paramed exam (20 minutes) A professional examiner from a national independent service contacts the client to schedule a mutually convenient time and location to meet. The exam includes height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, and personal and family medical histories. Having client's own doctor complete the paramed exam is not permitted.
  • Blood and urine specimens (10 minutes) Blood will be drawn from arm or finger using a small, sterile, disposable needle. A urine specimen is also collected. Specimens are sent to a laboratory which forwards the results directly to the insurance company. The exam service, the examiner, and the agent are never told what the results are.

 Less commonly requested:

  • Resting EKG (15 minutes) This often mobile test is painless. Electrodes are placed on chest. Privacy is required as client may need to remove shirt or blouse.
  • Inspection report (10-20 minutes) Client receives a completely confidential phone call asking about occupation, hobbies, financials, and other personal matters. It is an independent confirmation of information client already provided on the application.
  • Physician exam (30 minutes) In addition to paramed exam, a doctor (usually not the client's own) will perform a brief physical based in parameters defined by insurance company.




A brief medical examination is often required to buy life insurance. Insurance companies gather information to determine the lowest premium an applicant qualifies for. All information obtained during underwriting is strictly confidential. The requesting insurance company pays all fees associated with meeting their requirements. Client will be responsible to pay for any tests or services not requested by the insurance company.

Underwriting Tips