The easiest way to sell life insurance!

       1985-2025, Our 40th Year!

This website is for licensed insurance agents and their support staff - Not for dissemination to the public.

Here are web links to:

  • The 4 insurance companies we do the majority of our business with.
  • LIMRA Anti-Money Laundering
  • Major insurance ratings firms.
  • State insurance departments for the 8 central States we do business in.

Web addresses are subject to change without notice. If you discover a broken link, please let us know.

If there are more links you wish to see, please go to our Contacts page to make suggestions.

Convenient Insurance Links

 Our Primary Insurance Companies - For company information or to get forms.
 First time users will need to register before entering any of these websites.

 American General (password required)
 Lincoln Benefit (password required)
 Prudential (password required)
 Transamerica (password required)

 United Life (password required) 
 LIMRA Anti-Money Laundering Certification (AML. No cost to Agent)
 LIMRA AML Cert. (No cost to Agent)
First time users: Your User Name is your National Producer Number (NPN).
Your 1st time password is your last name in all lower-case letters.
If you don't know your NPN you can look it up at

 Insurance Ratings Firms
 A.M. Best
 Fitch Ratings
 Moody's Investors Services
 Standard & Poor's

 State Insurance Departments
 New Mexico