The easiest way to sell life insurance!

       1985-2025, Our 40th Year!

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Agents tell us our TXM LifeQuote and Application Service is the easiest way they've found  to write quality low-cost Term, Universal Life, and Equity Indexed Life Insurance.

Instead of you having to learn detailed product knowledge, your quote request is viewed by human eyes to determine the best match to what you ask for. Forms, guidance, and suggestions are included with every quote. Emailed quotes and forms are usually sent within 10 minutes during office hours, or on our next business day when requested outside of office hours.

Most Agents use Term Life eQuote or Whole Life eQuote to write policies from American General Life, United Life, and other top rated companies.

  •                                      Term Life eQuote:
    Includes application forms. Quote usually arrives within 10 minutes of request.

  •                                                Whole Life eQuote:
    Includes application forms. Quote usually arrives within 20 minutes of request.​

  •                                    Live Online AGL Quote: Rapid Rater
    If you're comfortable with AGL product knowledge. Applications are not included.